Thursday, February 25, 2010

We are sanding wood cigar boxes and then wood like to painting them and decoupage how do we go about doing thi

Once you sand them, you can either restain them another color or paint them. Once you have the boxes the base color you desire, mix one part white glue with one part water. You can also buy Mod Podge in either a matte or gloss finish. Mist the image you wish to decoupage with water (to avoid bubbles) and then paint the decoupage medium on the back of the image. Smooth out the image to remove wrinkles or bubbles, a credit card or brayer works well to do this. Allow the images to thorughly dry and apply at least 3-5 more coats of decoupage medium. You may need to lightly sand or steel wool in between coats to remove the brush strokes. Once you have the desired number of coats, seal the entire item with two coats of a non-yellowing polyurethane.We are sanding wood cigar boxes and then wood like to painting them and decoupage how do we go about doing thi
google search decoupage instructions

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